The Last of US fan misses Joel a shave and it looks scary

The PS4 title The Last of Us is a continuous burner among many fans. One of the main characters is Joel, who lovingly lovingly cares about his drawdaughter Ellie in the course of the game. But what if Joel had taken himself time in the midst of the fungus-denied world, to remove the beard from the face?

So Joel looks without a beard

Jack Eichel This question has answered Reddit User Knutsdeez for us. In a post, he shows a picture of Joel, which shows him from a scene in the Last of US 2. But instead of the usual beard growth in Joels's face is only a shadow of his former full bar to see:

Link to reddit content

Without his beard Joel loses what makes his character. In the Last of Us, he fights with Ellie through many dangerous situations in the United States and has no time to always pay attention to his appearance. The adventures he experienced together with Ellie are therefore also drawing in his face through the beard. But by the missing beard Joel sees how it looks like he would accompany Ellie in a normal world to her prom.

How did the fan created the picture? The reddit user has used the FaceApp and Picsart image editing programs to remove the beard from Joel's face. One of his uploaded images shows the comparison between the original Joel and its beardless appearance.

The Last of US fans find it disturbing

There is a clear trend in the comments. Most users prefer Joel with Bart and can not make friends with the alternative. Some users even reminded the beardless Joel at a well-known actor:

"Harrison Ford?"

"I find Joel really good and I love bearded men in general, so it's a donator for me to see him smoothly."

"I would like to do that unseen."

As you see, a beard can have a big impact on the effect of a video game character. Through his beard Joel becomes the paternal figure, which we met in The Last of Us and learned.

Why create a big role for video game characters, you will learn in our article overview:

  • Assassin's Creed Valhalla-Bug leaves NPC to the beard monster, which looks for a pleasure
  • Wow, without a beard Mario looks pretty strange
  • The Witcher on Netflix - That's why Henry Cavills is not bearing a beard

Start shooting to the The Last of US Series

Due to the great success of the video game series, HBO has decided to turn a series to The Last of Us. In this actor Pedro Pascal embodies the video game figure Joel. It remains to be seen whether Joel in the series will also wear a beard or the time finds to reject it. But a first image of the acting promises good prospects for a bearded Joel.

Which version of Joel do you find better?


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