Battlefield New Head Tower of Father's Father 'Vince Crawler'
EA was revealed that the Battlefield 2042 and the future of the franchise are in the future.
According to Games Spot reports, according to Game Spot reports, recently, after the launch of the Battlefield 2042 formal, the EA, which introduces a large patch to solve the compassion problem and bug issues, I appointed a new commander (Vince Capella).
Vince Lapel is a built-in-the-Call of Duty series, and has been borne by the Call of Duty series, and it has established a iPhones entertainment with EA's support after the activity before the activity before the reciprocal. Bidets Chisel is scheduled to have a Respondent, and other project supervision, such as Empath Legend, who was over zing the battlefield franchise.
Markers Veto (Marcus Lethe), which has made a Halo series with this, is also joining the project. Marcus Veto revealed that it has been with the Battlefield Franchise through Twitter, and announced the development team to be together in Seattle. Marcus Veto works with EA to launch the narrative, story, and character development of the Battlefield Universe.
He also mentioned the future plan of Battlefield 2042 and Battlefield Series. As the Battlefield series aims to universe, the Battlefield 2042 is awarded of subsequent titles in the future, and continuing support and live service expansion. In addition, EA is troubled for a long-term plan using the Battlefield Series, and the EA representative Andrew Wilson (Andrew Wilson), suggests a variety of possibilities. '
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