How to overcome Team Star Fire Crew in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple
The story of Star fall Street of Scarlet and Purple requires that players defeat five crews for the Star fall operation. One of the first groups you will find is Fire Crew, a team with several fire-type Pokémon. So, if you want to complete this mission of the game, here is a step-by-step guide on how to overcome Team Star's fire crew in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple.
Defeat Team Star Fire Crew in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple
When players explore East Province (area one) in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple, they will find the Team Stars Fire Cree base. But, before entering this establishment, you must have some Pokémon that are around level 26 to 27 to eliminate the opposing team.
Here is a step-by-step guide to help you overcome this powerful group:
- Defeat the Team Star Grunt.
While you are at the base door, you must beat the Fire Crew guard. This battle is not too challenging and players should be able to eliminate it quickly.
- Star Barge challenge begins.
Once inside the base, the Star Barge phase will begin, which is a 10-minute challenge that consists of sending three Pokémon (the first three within its group) to knock out the Fire Crew team. If your group has little health during this battle, you can recover HP from vending machines.
- Hear 30 Pokémon during Star Barge.
Even if Star Barge requires that you defeat a large amount of Pokémon, this task is relatively simple to complete.
- Fight against the head of the Team Star Fire team.
Compared to Star Barge, the fight against Fire Crew (Meal) head is much more complex and will take some time. The only way to win this battle is to eliminate Torsional and schedule Star mobile.
- Defeat Tortola.
Tortola level 27 of meal has the drought ability, which enhances fire type movements. That said, it is better to get rid of Drought with other Pokémon skills, such as Cloud Nine of Psyche. Players can also eliminate Tortola with earth-type movements, rock or water.
- Hears Star mobile.
The level 26 remits (schemed Star mobile) has a large amount of HP and Speed Boost's ability. Like Torsional, players can defeat this Pokémon with earth type, rock or water movements.
After you defeat the Meal team, she will reward you with a star badge and the flame Charge Tm. In addition, Cassiopeia will give the players 5000 LP, the ability to manufacture more technical machines and materials TM.
That is enough for our guide on how to overcome Team Star's fire crew in Pokémon Scarlet and Purple. To get more Team Star content, you can consult our guide on how to defeat Dark Crew. Be sure to consult the relevant links below to get additional information, including an explanation about multiplayer mode.
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